
I’m quite addicted to this Gossip Girl series somehow. Thanks to H who was with me last time when I watched it for the first time on Channel 4. And worst, I don’t know what episode actually I watched last time. So few days ago, I managed to pull my legs to knock H’s door to borrow her hard disk for Gossip Girl. So, I watched the first episode. And addicted to it. Then watched the second episode, and felt so delightful because it was that episode I watched with H’s last time. Thank goodness, I didn’t miss a lot! And, I continued watching….

And last night, I watched four episodes: 6,7,8 and 9. Is there anyone who have not watched that series? Because I think I’m going to spoil it here. Well, I supposed everyone should watched it, right? I think I’m the one who’s left behind here. lol~ Anyway, I think it was Episode 8, I like the most! I envied Blair for her big love to Nate. And so I thought, I’m going to like Serena. But I don’t think so. She’s like so selfish in a very hidden way + she’s so pushy too! Blair is a bad girl. She’s the bitch in the series, obviously as we can see. But, she got that kind heart in her somehow. I like that ‘heart’ she owned inside her. Nate, not liking him. Let me like him just in The Covenant. From episode 1 till episode 7, I don’t like Chuck. I don’t like playboys. I never like playboys. But then, episode 8 opened my eyes! I fell for him. I fell for him to let down his guard to tell Blair that he actually fell in love with Blair. I like this scene the most:

Chuck: [to Blair] Something this beautiful deserves to be seen on someone worthy of its beauty.

Blair: Do you… ‘like’ me?

Chuck: Define like.

Blair: You have got to be kidding me.

Chuck: How do you think I feel? I can’t sleep! I feel sick, like there’s something in my stomach… fluttering.

Blair: Butterflies? Oh no, no, no, no no. [horrified]

Oh my gosh! Don’t you like Chuck? Because, I do! *flutters* 🙂

And, I don’t remember which episode it was. Was it the same episode or was it episode 7? When he came to Nate’s rescue-me gambling session. He really love his best friend so much *ah-ha, despite the fact that he slept with his bestfriend’s girlfriend* but, he’s not to blame. Because, Nate did the same thing to Blair. So it’s a fair 0-0 situation, right?

I’ll stop here. Gonna continue the series today. 10, 11 and 12, I had it burnt on the DVD. Episode 13 still in H’s hard disk. I guess, I’ll watch it tomorrow on my PC. And I need to ask Q if she got the episode “Gossip Girl: Revealed”. I hope.


Essay? Made up my mind, I’m doing Title #1. Hope things will go well with the readings of the journals. Amin. It’s hard, I tell you. I’m a scientist, not a sociologist. So hope the lecturer did not expect much from me. And making it worst, I don’t have any sociology background to support me with this essay. Sigh. Please, do pray for me.

Biochem Test? I haven’t done it. Haven’t do the revision yet. Will flip through the notes tomorrow. Hope so.

Okie dokie, I stop here.

Gossip Girl is waiting for me~ :p

Lots of Love,
Syd xx

One Night

Read Julie Cohen’s One Night Stand last night. Finished the whole book in 5 hours. Through the pages, my heart can’t just stop dup-dap-dup-dap! Oh my gosh! I really love the story so much. Thank goodness. I’m loving it. I’m looking forward to buy next book from her. Any recommendations?

I quoted her,

“Falling in Love with your besfriend is a recipe for disaster”

Personally, that’s just so true. If I knew that earlier, I should not be doing it, to fall in love with him at first place. I’ve lost him. Lost his friendship. It hurts. And missing him now, it hurts me more.

Lots of Love,
Syd xx

Courage and Memories

Something wonderful. A length of poems. I am so sure that everyone have heard of it. But still I want to post it here as a quick reminder for all of us to always live life to the fullest.


To comprehend the value of one year,
Just ask the students who failed their entrance exams.

To comprehend the value of one month,
Just ask the mother who gave birth to a premature baby.

To comprehend the value of one week,
Just ask the edtor of a weekly newspaper.

To comprehend the value of one hour,
Just ask the lovers who are wating to meet.

To comprehend the value of one minute,
Just ask the people who missed their stop on the train.

To comprehend the value of one second,
Just ask the person who managed to avoid an an accident just in time.

To comprehend the value of one tenth of a second,
Just ask the person who ended up with a silver medal at the Olympics.

The hands of the clock will continue ticking.
Therefore,treasure every moment you have.
And treat today as the utmost gift you’ll have.


It’s nice, ne?

I took it from one of the Japanese movie I watched today. The title is [Yuuki].

Literally, the word “Yuuki” means “Courage”.

It is a short drama. Takes only for 1 hour 45 minutes.

[Yuuki] is a drama about friendship that spans ages and is actually based on a true story which chronicles the life of a man who died at the age of 23 after an illness that started with the partial collapse of his cranial bone, and a subsequent battle with seven types of incurable diseases. [taken from its Drama Wiki, 2007]

Yuuki is the name of the man. And for this drama, Kamenashi Kazuya plays the role for Yuuki. Yuuki is a very cheerful, happy-go-lucky guy. An optimist. A guy with strong determination. And he found his friends of lifetime when he went for for a working holiday* to Perth, Australia. There he met Yoshie ( a Japanese lady who owns a young hostel especially for tourists in Perth ), Junji-kun ( a guy who just came to Perth after a world-cycling tour from Japan ), Hama-chan ( a very cold and always act cool guy whose his photography skills attract Yuuki’s attention) and some others.

And it all started when he went out from the hostel, to continue his trip to Adelaide. However, a toothache leads him to discover a rare disease called Massive Osteolysis which threatens his life. With the encouragement of his friends that he met in Perth, Australia, he continues his battle while attempting to keep his spirit up.

And oh well, I don’t want to spoil it though. So if you guys want to know more about it, do check it out yo!

I am willing to give the link where you can download the torrent from:- << Yuuki >>

Apart from that, you guys could always found this movie from Youtube and Crunchyroll. Just search for Yuuki 🙂

Good thing, it has English subtitles on it subbed by LoveSong.


My personal review:

I would rate this movie 8/10.

Gave me all the motivation I needed. And pinpointed that I need to treasure my life while I’m still young. Always keep holding, keep the faith and be strong.

But, it hurts my eyes badly. Painfully strained. Because I cannot hold it anymore. But, to cry for 1 hour 45 minutes! And I felt dizzy after that.

And bonus points, Kamenashi Kazuya played Yuuki and Shun Oguri played Hama-chan. Two of my favourite Japanese actors. He really did a good job in touching my heart. 🙂

Anyway, I’d love you guys out there to watch it. Onegaishimasu~

p/s: If you guys feel like watching this movie, please make sure you have boxes of tissues nearby beforehand. *lol*