Day 2: That Journey


Quoting Pepe, “you have to train tour body to get the energy from the stored fats. Not from the readily available carbohydrates”. That’s her say on practising a NO-CARB Meal Plan. Me? I have to beg to for a Low-Carb Meal plam saja. I’m one who cannot live without my breads. Yas, as much as NASI is the nyamanest source of carbohydrate on earth. 

But for now, I need to fight the temptations. 

So…. Hari ni hari kedua.
Brekkie: Omelette with a handful of spinach and grated carrots. Made with 2 eggs. Ate half, and kept some for lunch. And also 1 tablespoon of baked beans. And 1 biji fresh tomato.

Lunch: The other half of the omelette. 4 pieces (1.5 handful) of chicken goujons from Brunei Halal (Mango Chilli). 1 tablespoon of baked beans.

Dinner: Stir fry broccoli, mushroom and carrots. And chicken curry. 

(Edited: And 1 mini puff pastry!!! Oh my god. I am so sorry… I cannot help it. And my brother was like, “control ka, controllll!” So annoying!!! Pfffttt!!! ) 
 Exercise: 40 minutes on treadmill, speed 5. Not as much, but it’s better than nothing kan?

light enough to be carried by a balloon, huh?



 Ciao! 💋

That Journey

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I started today’s post with *drum rolls* with cerita pasal losing weight! Hahahaha tahun-tahun je benda sama actually. Bulan-bulan pun masih benda sama. Improve tak? Hahahaha lain cerita.

Tapi kali ini, saya mau cuba yang terbaik. I can only try do it and keep praying so Allah can give me more strength to do it. Tapi kenapa kali nak buat serious?

Entah. Tapi tiba-tiba rasa macam “i wanna do a big change once i turn 30 this year!” Bila lah agaknya turn 30 tu ye? Hahaha hujung tahun ni? Oh no…silap ye! It’s gonna be early September u ols! *tutup muka dengan tangan* ketawalah… Mana saja.. Tapi dalam ketawa tu tolong wish me all the best and bantu tiup semangat.

So,diringkaskan cerita…

MULA: Hari ini, 7 Ogos 2016

WEIGHT: 67 kg

TARGET: 2 – 3kg lost


  • a so-called low-carb diet + regular exercise
  • 2.5 litres water intake daily
  • Love fruits and veggies more! Boo! 😒🤕


Brekkie: Egg omelette with grated carrots and cheddar cheese

Lunch: the failed spinach smoothies (bleeurghhhh!), grilled mango chilli chicken and stir fry long beans (banyak minyak tho benda ni!)

Afternoon snack: Green Tea / Water

Exercise: 4 x 4 mins total body workout by Jordan Yeoh (u can find that on Youtube!) … I might not doing it as intense as him. I’m trying my best though.

Dinner: Fried Chicken + Stir Fry Kangkong
Sigh. Actually i gained 1kg extra within 1 week. Such a serious case.
Signing off now. See you WP soon!
